Friday, January 16, 2009

I've decided after countless times of joining and re-joining weight watchers to begin this challenge on my own. I am accountable to myself and of course to my team (Go Team Angie!!!!!!). I'm hoping I can do this without my weekly weight watchers weigh ins.
Tuesday was my birthday and I'm proud to say that I didn't over indulge. And I actually stayed within my points budget. I did however slip up last night. Not as bad as I would have normally but I did have to go into my points reserve. I've been trying to figure out what triggered it. I know I wasn't hungry, I just wanted chocolate, and I actually felt like I couldn't control myself. After I had 6 points worth of chocolate, I felt guilty and and I felt tired. I've been reading numerous blogs about 100 calorie packs of snacks. I agree with most of you about how you can never eat just one pack and especially how unhealthy they are for you. So what do you do when you have this uncontrollable urge to snack?


  1. Stopping by to fellow A Teamers to show support...I'm struggling right now but I'm hoping reading the A-Team blogs will help me out. Hope you're kicking a$$ and taking names!

    "The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph!" By Marvin Phillips

  2. If its uncontrollable I just give in, eat the chocolate or whatever.

    I try to find things to satisfy, I don't buy the 100 cal packs. I like munchem's, they are little bags of snack cookies I guess. Gingersnaps, coffee/latte, yogurt, babybel, popcorn, pudding, kashi granola bars. Hope that gives you some ideas.

    You'll do great this week and happy belated Birthday!!!!
